Tuesday, December 19, 2006

A kitten or puppy may be a wonderful gift you received this holiday season. Few events compare with the arrival of a new member of the family to care for and enjoy! Here are a few tips to ensure the safety of your new kitten or pup:

Don’t leave you new companion unattended, especially when it comes to puppies!

  • Provide a “safe zone” such as a crate or box with a soft place to sleep
  • Be patient as your new friend adjusts to your environment
  • Keep them clear of dangers such as medications or plants
  • Provide fresh water and food appropriate for his or her age

Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover’s Soul™ brand pet food recognizes the special needs of the young ones, offering premium formulas containing DHA to meet the nutritional needs of kittens and puppies. You can find more professional advice and tips to maintain their health as they grow into adulthood in the Pet Care section of the Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover’s Soul™ site.


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