Wednesday, January 10, 2007

This time of year resolutions are made and goals are set. One common goal is to lose weight. This may also be helpful for your dog or cat. Determining if your pet is overweight may be done at home (see instructions below), but before you start a weight loss program for your pet, consult with your veterinarian.

To determine if your pet is overweight examine his or her body shape. There should be an indentation between the ribs and hips (a waist) and the ribs should be very easy to feel but not visible. If your pet has lost their waistline and you have to press through fat to feel the ribs, there is some weight to be lost. From the side, your dog or cat should have a tucked up abdomen (that fat swinging under your cat’s belly should not be there).

Just like humans, excess weight puts your pet’s health at risk. Dogs and cats both suffer from joint pain or arthritis, breathing difficulties, and skin disorders. Cats can also suffer from diabetes (just like some overweight people).

Diet and exercise play important roles in returning your pet’s physique to ideal lean body condition. Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover’s Soul™ has a light formula dry dog food and a light formula dry cat food with key ingredients to help your pet get into great shape. One important ingredient is L-Carnitine which helps the body to burn fat.

A sound plan of regular exercise (cats will often chase feathers tied to a stick or laser pointers and will climb if offered a sturdy structure) and a reduced diet that the whole family sticks to, will improve the looks and more importantly, the overall health of your pudgy pet.


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