Chicken Soup for the Pet Lovers Soul™

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Rabies, a Zoonotic Disease

Did you know that rabies is an important zoonosis? And what is a zoonosis, you ask? A zoonosis or zoonotic disease is a disease that can be transmitted from animals to humans. These are important diseases that veterinarians must learn about and educate their clients about to protect the health of pets, but also the families who love those pets.

There has been much controversy about vaccinations, especially for cats. The possibility that vaccines are associated with a particular type of cancer has led many cat owners to avoid vaccinations altogether. However, it is important to remember rabies. Rabies is a viral infection for which there is a very effective vaccine and all cats (and dogs) should be current on their rabies vaccinations.

In 2005, the number of reported cases of rabies declined in the U.S. by 6.2%. There were a total of 6,417 cases of rabies reported, with 269 of these in cats and 76 in dogs. The number of cases in the United States have been declining since 2000, most likely due to pet vaccination, wildlife vaccination programs and educational programs about the risk of rabies.

Take good care of your cats with regular veterinary care, including vaccinations, and a high quality pet food like Chicken Soup for the Cat Lover’s Soul brand.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Exercise has Gone to the Dogs!

It’s getting warmer outside, the snow is starting to disappear and spending time outside is more than just a warm fuzzy thought. With that in mind, Chicken Soup For the Pet Lovers Soul reminds you to get your dog (and yourself) started on an exercise program.

While getting out there, it is important to remember to start slow. For most of us, it’s been a while since we’ve been able to run free with our pet, so starting an exercise program that is too strenuous could cause problems. How do you get started? Below you will find the Chicken Soup For the Pet Lovers Soul guide to safely exercising your dog.

· First, when choosing a location to exercise, make sure to pick someplace that is safe for your dog, away from traffic. You should keep your dog on a leash but if he/she does happen to get away you’ll want to be somewhere away from cars and trucks.

· Make sure to consider your dog’s comfort, bring along plenty of water and treats.

· Pick an activity that is appropriate for your dog’s age and health.

· It is very important to start slowly and gradually increase the level of activity as your dog (and you) start to feel the benefits of exercise.

Not only will exercising with your dog provide health benefits for both of you, it will also give you time to bond with a very special member of your family. Remember to keep an eye on your dog’s diet, work your exercise program and check back with Chicken Soup For the Pet Lovers Soul every week for advice and news about your four legged friends.

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