Chicken Soup for the Pet Lovers Soul™

Monday, October 29, 2007

Halloween Safety for your Pet!

Halloween is around the corner and many owners plan to include their pets in the festivities. Costumes, candy, children, and trick-or-treating can prove tempting to your dog, so please take the time to read some of Chicken Soup for the Pet Lovers Soul’s Halloween Safety Tips!

Yes, our dogs look adorable in their Superman, pumpkin, and Harry Potter costumes… but it’s important not to sacrifice your dog’s comfort. Ensure costumes fit properly and avoid rough materials that could irritate your pooch’s skin.

Also check that your dog’s costume does not obscure its vision. Pets can get skittish, and can even bite, when surprised. So make certain all hats, hair, and fabric are well out of your puppy’s face. After all, they want to be social and see everyone, too!

Plastic spiders, glow sticks, and candy all look and smell like lots of fun to your dog. However, these small parts are easily swallowed and can be choking hazards or even be toxic to your dog. So make sure all party favors, candy, and decorations are kept out of reach.

With so many visitors coming to treat-or-treat, your dog may be tempted to dash out the door. Secure your pets in a pen or special room or even on a leash to avoid having to keep them in check every time the doorbell rings.

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Friday, October 26, 2007

Protecting Your Pet from West Nile Virus

Although the societal fluster caused by West Nile Virus a few years ago has died down, it still poses a potential threat to pets and their owners. Only a small number of cases (less than 50) are reported in domestic animals every year. However, because the symptoms are minimal, it is unlikely owners would be able to identify their pet’s illness.

While there is no specific treatment for pets infected with West Nile Virus, the chances of full recovery are likely. Most veterinarians will care for ailing pets by treating present symptoms and combating the virus much like they would any viral infection.

Fortunately for owners, there is no documented evidence of a person becoming ill with West Nile Virus by contracting it from their pet. Because only trace amounts of the virus develop within a dog’s bloodstream (slightly more for cats), mosquitoes do not become re-infected.

However, if your pet contracts West Nile Virus, there are probably infected mosquitoes in your area. Remember to take appropriate measures to prevent being bitten by mosquitoes. When possible, wear protective clothing, avoid standing water, and stay indoors during dusk.

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Thursday, October 04, 2007

Adopt-a-Dog Month!

October is officially Adopt-a-Dog Month and there are plenty of healthy dogs in shelters nationwide. Some of the most wonderful companions can be adopted from your local humane society. The best part is… the majority of these organizations allow you to take a new friend home with only a minimal donation!

While it may be tempting to get a puppy from a breeder or pet store, many shelter dogs are already vaccinated, spayed or neutered, and house-trained. All these dogs need is a place to call home and the love of a caring owner. Humane society volunteers know the personalities of their residents and can help you pick out the perfect pooch.

It’s also important to adopt a dog based on your lifestyle. If you’re an upbeat, athletic, on-the-go individual, look for a dog that exudes similar energy. Likewise, if you’re a more laid-back owner – search for a dog companion that will match your personality; i.e. reserved breeds or older dogs.

If you don’t think you can adopt a dog for any reason, think about fostering. Many dogs at humane societies are being treated for illnesses or injuries and need a home for their recovery. Do your part to give these animals the safe and loving homes they so dearly deserve!

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