Chicken Soup for the Pet Lovers Soul™

Friday, July 27, 2007

Dog Fighting Awareness

The recent celebrity athlete involvement in a case of dog fighting will hopefully heighten awareness and bring about stricter penalties for offenders. Dog fighting has been around for years, and although the majority of society would never think of participating in this cruel act of abuse, most express outrage only when the “sport” is seen in the media.

Dog fights consist of two dogs, commonly American Pit Bull Terriers, fighting until one animal can no longer continue. These fights normally average about an hour as spectators of the fight bet thousands of dollars on the outcome. The ‘losing’ dogs often die from loss of blood, dehydration, or even exhaustion.

These dog abusers train their dogs to display aggression via ‘bait animals’ such as cats, rabbits, or smalls dogs. These animal victims can be strays, stolen pets, or even animals obtained through ‘free to good home’ ads. The fact that dog fighting is illegal in all 50 states and a felony in most has not stopped these participates from holding such deplorable events.

Dog fighting displays a total disregard for the well-being of animals that we should be protecting and caring for and is often a base for illegal gambling. As these dogs have been trained to be aggressive toward other animals, both pets and humans are at risk in such communities. Children, due to their size, are sometimes mistaken as rival animals and attacked by these viciously trained dogs.

Because of the heightened awareness of dog fighting, many veterinary organizations are working to train veterinarians to recognize the telltale signs of a fighting dog. Certain types of injuries (old and new) are found on dogs that have been fighting and are not caused by any other activity. The owners of these dogs are often very willing to spend large sums to treat the dogs because the winning dogs can prove lucrative to their owners. Working together with law enforcement officials, veterinarians can play a vital role in stamping out this illegal and heinous behavior.

At Chicken Soup for the Pet Lovers Soul, we urge our readers to contact their local authorities to learn how they can help the animal victims of dog fighting. In addition, please use caution when giving away a pet and be sure they will be safe and well cared for in their new home.

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Friday, July 20, 2007

Does you indoor cat want to be outdoors?

Many pet cats enjoy spending time outdoors. However, being outside can be very dangerous for a cat. The average life expectancy for an outdoor cat is only about 2 years. Cars, dogs, and possibly wildlife in the area can be hazardous for a pet cat who is allowed to roam. So what can we do if we want our cats to have the best of both worlds?

Enclosed outdoor spaces might be the perfect answer. Remember though, a dog pen is not adequate because most cats will simply climb up and jump out. The enclosure must have a top to keep your feline inside.

Another alternative might be a perch or hammock that has a view out the window. Some cats just enjoy looking outdoors but do not necessarily need to spend time outside.

Bringing you pets outdoors, without having to worry about the dangers can meet their need to be in the wild, as well as your desire to keep them safe.

At Chicken Soup for the Pet Lovers Soul, we want your cat to have a long and healthy life. Bringing them outdoors in safety can keep them happy as well. Contact your vet or pet store for more information on outdoor cat enclosures.

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Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Obedience Training for Puppies – teach your dog how to be a good dog… …and start early.

Let’s face it, no one gets a dog because they intend to give them up, but oftentimes dogs are surrendered to animal shelters because they have become either a nuisance or a danger to others. Most pets that are surrendered to the animal shelter are done so because of behavioral problems. When bringing a dog into your home, it is vital to your pet’s health and happiness to enroll in puppy classes as soon as your dog joins your family.

One of the most important things a dog can do is to make its master happy. That’s what your puppy wants to do, and given the right training (for both humans and canines alike) the transformation from rambunctious puppy to obedient dog can be an easy one. The earlier you start the better.

There are many options when it comes to training your dog, it is important to find a reputable local source for your dog training needs. You will want to make sure that the trainer that you choose uses positive reinforcement during the training and you must attend the training sessions with your dog. This will ensure that both you and your pup understand what is expected of one another. Check with your veterinarian for a recommendation of a good local trainer. Your vet might even offer puppy classes.

Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover’s Soul knows that training your puppy early on can create the warm loving environment that every dog needs. Show your dog what is expected of him or her and you will be rewarded with the joy of owning an obedient pet.


Monday, July 02, 2007

Cat Castles

Do you have cats in your house that still have their front claws? I do and they have taken quite nicely to my Berber carpet! I do clip their nails regularly. I have spent a small fortune buying “small” scratching posts and play tunnels and various things, but I always stopped short of the grand cat castles made of towers and various scratching post type structures. Why? I guess the multiple small purchases have always seemed more practical than forking over a large chunk of change for the one thing that likely will do the trick. My cat castle is now on its way and I’ll let you know how it works. If this attempt to stop the mutilation of the Berber fails, I will just have to resort to applying sticky paper on the entire carpeted area of my home and hoping the kids don’t get stuck!

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