Wednesday, September 26, 2007

National Pet Awareness Month

October is National Pet Awareness Month and serves as a great reminder for dog owners to take their canine companions in for annual veterinary checkups. Much like their owners, pets need regular screenings and preventative medication to keep them happy and healthy. Routinely bringing your pooch to the vet will also increase the likelihood that you can catch any ailments or injuries before they become a more considerable problem.

Consistent visits to your vet can also help prepare you for common conditions experienced by dogs at certain ages. Such information can give you the knowledge needed to identify any behavioral changes that are signs of an age-related disorder. Most owners are diligent about their puppy’s health, but many take a less active role in the health of their older dogs. Aging canines suffer from some of the same ailments as their owners. Arthritis, diabetes, kidney disease and a lowered immune system are just some of the conditions experienced by our older dogs.

Chicken Soup for the Pet Lovers Soul reminds owners to keep an eye on aging pets to help prevent problems. After all, our dogs can’t tell us how they’re feeling, so it is our responsibility to keep an eye on them and make the effort to provide them with the best care possible!

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