Cool Tips for Summer Pets
With summer coming, people and pets will be spending more time outside enjoying the sun and heat. With the increased outdoor activity comes some extra care in keeping your pet comfortable and cool. Below is a list of Do’s and Don’ts you can follow to aide in keeping your pet safe.
Provide more water and shade in the summer months. With increased activity comes increased heat. Make sure you provide your pet with plenty of water and shade to keep comfortable and regulate their body temperature. A great treat in the summer can be ice cubes.
Leave your pet outside all day. While this can be tempting because of the nice weather, if the pet does not have a place to cool off it can be very dangerous. If you are going to leave your pet outside, provide shade, extra water and DON”T leave them alone. Monitor them often and bring them indoors from time to time.
Leave your pet in a car even if for a few moments. In a matter of minutes, the interior heat of the car can skyrocket to over 100 degrees. Even if the windows are down, there will not be sufficient airflow to keep your pet cool. While on the subject of autos, it is also good to note that if you have a pick up, you shouldn’t drive with your pet in the bed. In many states this is illegal. Too many bad things can happen if you leave your pet back there.
Provide exercise, but do it in the morning or late evening. These times of day are cooler and more comfortable for your pet. When exercising your pet, be sure to provide extra water and a way for them to cool off. A good idea is to fill a baby pool or small tub with water. When your pet gets too warm, they can go to the water to cool off.
Be aware of heat stroke and heat exhaustion. Symptoms include: heavy panting, glazed eyes, rapid pulse, unsteadiness, staggering gait, vomiting and a deep read or purple tongue. If you notice any of these symptoms, it is crucial to treat it immediately. Wet your pet with cool (not cold) water in small amounts. It is also good to drape cool, wet towels around the head, neck and body. Provide small amounts of water or ice cubes to lick. Most importantly, seek professional attention from your vet.
For more ways to keep your pet cool in the summer, speak with your vet. They will have the information you need to keep your pet cool and comfortable all summer long.
Labels: Cool Pets, Pet Cooling, Reduce Heat in Pets
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