Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover’s Soul™ brand cat food formulas contain all natural ingredients. Available in a variety of special formulas such as kitten or senior cat, you are sure to find a formula that works for your cat’s specific needs. Cats can be finicky eaters, so any change in diet could cause them to avoid eating, or upset their stomach. If you do decide to change your cat’s diet, take it slow to avoid to trouble! Here are a few ideas:

Offer the new and old food in separate bowls at the same time during feedings, and then gradually remove the old food.
Don’t ever “starve” your cat into eating the new food. Cats can develop problems with their liver if they go without food for even just 2-3 days.
Flavor the new food with a little bit of canned food, water from a can of tuna, or even microwave the food for a few seconds to release the aroma.

Remember it is critical that you make the transition slowly! If you notice your cat losing weight, a change in their stool or vomiting consider slowing the transition or reverting back to the old food completely until the symptoms improve. As always Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover’s Soul™ brand suggests checking with your veterinarian for more detailed information specific to your cat’s needs!


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